Living in Westchester
Equal Housing Opportunity
- RIG Realty Agents Open House.
- MLS Brokers Open House Caravan.
- We put your home on the Internet,
Realtor.com and Craig’s List.
- MLS and Local Print Advertising.
- Weekend Open Houses to introduce your
- Print Advertising to introduce the Open
- We will place up to 6 signs to
advertise Open Houses in strategic locations.
- Agents will tour the home with
buyers and handle any questions.
- For Sale Signs on your lawn to
advertise your property.
- Agents are available seven days a week
from 9AM to 9PM.
- Buyers are pre-approved for mortgages.
- We will put you in touch with a reputable home buyer's insurance firm to
purchase a home buyer's insurance policy. This will cover the cost of anything
that breaks before and after the home is sold for up to one year at a nominal
cost. It is an excellent selling item. It is reassuring to the purchaser to have
a warranty for all appliances like air conditioning, heating apparatus, hot
water heaters, garage door openers, garbage disposals, washer and dryer,